Restituyo Nelson was born the city of Santo Domingo in the year 1968. From an early age shows inclination for the arts, especially painting and architecture, admiring the Renaissance masters handle. Enpezo to take their first steps in art at the age of 9 years, investigated more then CPMO English painters Turner, Cozen. Then enter the artist's studio in July plastic Pea, where he acquired the knowledge s basic drawing. The school of Plastic Arts of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), where he had contacts with painters, who learns the techniques of the pen, ink and pastel, with as portrait work in this last technique. The Dominican painter Nelson Restituyo currently doing the thesis of Architecture. Her passion for painting does the artist's studio ingrasar Dominican Master Pedro Pablo Mendez Garcia, where completsus studies, acquiring vast knowledge in the technique of application in acrylics. Currently a professor at the school of the painter Pedro Pablo Mendez Garcia - Experimental Workshop. He has received several induvidual and collective exhibitions. His works are in private collections, both in the Dominican Republic and in the stranger.